Forage Production | Smart Solutions for Today's Farmer

Forage is one of the most important sources of nutrition for ruminants, and the right feed affects the quality of both milk and meat over time. To maintain the high standard of Norwegian forage production, agriculture is entirely dependent on having good tools. At Serigstad, we are proud to offer products that make farm management both easier and more efficient for each farmer. The right equipment contributes to a more efficient harvest

During the summer, farmers across the country will harvest the grass from the fields and turn it into forage. First in the early summer, which is called the first cut, and again in late summer for the second cut, if the grass has grown well over the summer. But good grass is not the only thing that needs to be in place to produce quality forage; for the grass to maintain its quality, storage and treatment are absolutely crucial. We at Serigstad have been involved all along. To make the harvest as smooth and simple as possible for the farmer, we have kept up with technological development with smarter solutions for today’s farmer. Just as the rest of society has taken a technological leap over the last century, technological solutions focused on farming and easing the farmer's workload have taken great strides. With our iconic feed harvester, first developed in the early 1960s, we have been a central part of modern farming for over 60 years.

Effective use of silage and acid equipment To achieve the best possible quality in the feed, even under good conditions, acid is added to the production of the forage during the harvesting of the grass. Proper addition with a sufficient amount of acid prevents overheating and spoilage in the feed. This applies regardless of whether the forage is stored in round bales or in a silo. Both ensiling, with acid equipment that provides the right and sufficient amount during the harvest, as well as packing, are some of the most important stages of the feed processing. Good packing reduces the air that is naturally in the grass, and together with acid addition, it provides the best forage quality. We at Serigstad are market leaders in ensiling and acid equipment for Norwegian agriculture. We offer several different packaging solutions that cover the entire spectrum of what you need for the harvesting and production of forage such as round bale presses, loader wagons, choppers, and front racks. Among others, our MP series are diaphragm pumps with high delivery capacity and high working pressure, and are therefore well suited to large machinery such as self-propelled choppers.

Hvordan sikrer man best mulig kvalitet på grovfôret?

For å få best mulig kvalitet i fôret, selv under gode forhold, er det vanlig med tilsetting av syre i produksjonen av grovfôr. Riktig tilsetting med tilstrekkelig mengde av syre bidrar at det ikke går varmgang og forråtning i fôret. Dette gjelder uavhengig av om grovfôret lagres i rundballer eller silo.

Hvor lenge har fôrhøsteren til Serigstad vært i bruk?

Fôrhøsteren til Serigstad har vært i bruk i over 60 år. Den moderne fôrhøsteren er tilpasset dagens økende krav om automatisert drift.

Hvordan lagres grovfôret i dag?

I dag kan lagring av grovfôr gjøres på flere måter. Bonden kan blant annet lagre grovfôret i rundballer, tårnsiloer eller plansiloer. Den vanligste formen for lagring er den klassiske rundballen, som ofte sees langs veiene som store hvite "traktor-egg".