Increasing focus on animal welfare in today's agriculture

Norwegian agriculture is at the forefront globally when it comes to animal welfare. As part of Norwegian agriculture, we at Serigstad are focused on contributing to sustainable and responsible development of agriculture in Norway. We supply machinery for the production of animal feed to agriculture, so that animals can always have access to healthy and good feed.

Animal welfare, environment and health

Animal welfare is absolutely central to the sustainability of Norwegian agriculture. The animals should have a good life, and it's always about providing them with the care they need to thrive. For livestock to feel good, there are some things that need to be in place; good routines, good and healthy feed, enough water, access to pasture for ruminants, and a good indoor climate.

At Serigstad, we have a long tradition of roughage production, and it is with our forage harvester that we help the farmer make it as easy as possible to produce healthy and good feed for the livestock. With the right equipment, you get just the right composition of nutritious feed that the animals need.

As a supplier of machinery to agriculture, we at Serigstad have a long and good tradition of collaborating with those who know where the shoe pinches. Through our close cooperation with the farmer, we have offered solutions to agriculture for over 160 years. From feeding systems that ensure the animals always have access to food and water, to forage harvesters, we evolve in step with the needs of agriculture, and also make the farmer's job easier.

Relieve the workload without compromising quality

Animal welfare and sustainability are closely linked, and the well-being of the animals is also important for sustainability. Livestock play an important role in maintaining the cultural landscape in pastures, both for humans and the biological diversity in Norwegian nature.

As the rest of society evolves, agriculture also develops. The Norwegian farmer accounts for about 40% of the food we eat here in the country. From potatoes, lamb meat, to cheese and milk, the products that the 38,500 farmers in the country produce are some of the cleanest products on the market in terms of healthy raw materials, little use of antibiotics, and sustainability. What the animals eat, and how this feed is produced, is clearly important.

For many farmers, the only solution becomes to import animal feed from other countries further south, but with access to the right machines, producing animal feed becomes both easier and less time-consuming. We help to preserve the good nutrients, while at the same time making the farmer's workload easier. We are proud to contribute to the development of a vibrant and sustainable agriculture in Norway, where the animals are at the center.

Hva er de viktigste elementene for godt husdyrhold?

For at dyra skal trives best mulig er tilgang på næringsrikt og godt fôr, noe av det viktigste for trivselen. Et godt inneklima, tilgang på beiteområder for drøvtyggere og gode rutiner, er også viktig for at dyra skal trives.

Hvor stor del av matproduksjonen står norske bønder for?

Her i Norge er omkring 40% av den maten som vi spiser produsert av de omkring 38 500 bøndene som finnes her til lands. Norsk matproduksjon utmerker seg for sine rene produkter, lave antibiotikabruk og et høyt innhold av gode næringsstoffer.

Hvorfor velger stadig flere bønder å investere i automatiserte landbruksmaskiner?

Mange bønder velger å investere i automatiserte landbruksmaskiner for å oppnå en optimal bygg- og fôringsstrategi, og for at fôret skal ha høyest mulig næringsinnhold. I tillegg hjelper automatiserte landbruksmaskiner til med å gjøre de tunge løftene på gården, og sørger for at bonden heller kan bruke tiden sin på andre oppgaver, som å ta seg ekstra godt av husdyra sine.